What to wear for classes

Every studio has different policies when it comes to studio attire. Please take look at the required attire for your next class at Fly Studios YXE. We ask that you abide by our policy so that you can participate in our classes. By following these simple requests we can keep you and our fabric safe. Zippers, jewelry and sharp nails tear holes in our fabric and you may get hurt or damage the fabric such that it has to be replaced.

  • Wear a fitted shirt that covers shoulders, torso and underarms for safety and hygienic reasons, and long enough to tuck into your pants - we go upside down!

  • Absolutely NO ZIPPERS on clothing

  • Comfortable work out clothing that allows free movement

  • Backs of knees must be covered (Jeans are not permitted in class)

  • Barefeet typically is expected on fabric, can bring socks for Lyra or Rope

  • Long hair tied back (ponytail, braid, bun)

  • Remove all jewelry prior to class - this includes fitbit watches

  • Gel nails are allowed but no sharp points or edges - we may restrict moves based on your nails